Si3000/5000 Camera drivers version 2.2, released 29th March 2018 1. Changes to code to make the cameras compatible with more PC hardware. This involved changes to clock rate and exposure system of both cameras. If you got a black screen or very low frame rate with earlier driver, then this may resolve your issue. Si3000/5000 Camera drivers version 2.1 with DsCap 3.92, released 17th May 2017 1. Various improvements to the code common to other camera we support, including new camera controls pages. 2. Camera settings are now stored under camera name. 3. Replacement of meaningless values on camera controls sliders. 4. When updating click the reset button on the camera controls page to ensure that invalid values are replaced. DsCap 3.92, released 26th April 2017 1. Includes various internal changes to work with Windows 10 Anniversary Edition and later updates. Including the removal of unwanted duplicate entries in the resolution menu for a more manageable length. 2. Improved detection of blank and faulty camera controls property pages such as those from Logitech. Version 3.92 only displays non-blank pages, that actually do something. 3. If DsCap ever fails to start, you can now reset all previous device settings by starting DsCap with the shift key held down. Failure to start is usually caused by faulty hardware/camera drivers. 4. Updates to the User Manual.